The Power of a Daily Routine

Wildly Healthy By Tiffany, health coach, health coaching, daily routine

Having a daily routine is a powerful way to build healthy habits and create the life you want. Using nature as a guide, you can create a routine that will allow you to efficiently harness energy throughout the day in order to feel balanced, happy and productive. Below is a recommended schedule for a daily routine that will harmonize your body’s rhythms with nature’s rhythms.

  • Wake up with the sun

  • Eliminate, brush your teeth

  • Drink a warm beverage 

  • Activate your mind ~ meditate, read, write, breath work

  • Engage in physical activity ~ walking, running, stretching, yoga, strength, HIIT

  • Bathe 

  • Eat a light breakfast 

  • Work on your hardest tasks from 10a - 2p

  • Eat your biggest meal of the day for lunch ~ around Noon

  • Work on your creative tasks from 2p - 6p

  • Wind down from the day with some self care ~ take a bath, take a walk, stretch, spend time in nature, spend time with family and friends, cook 

  • Eat a light dinner

  • Take a short 15 minute walk to aid digestion

  • Prepare for bed as the sun goes down ~ turn off electronics, turn off your mind, light candles, turn on an essential oil diffuser

  • Go to bed as the sun goes down ~ by 10p

Wildly Healthy by Tiffany, health coaching, health coach, daily routine

I have found that sticking to a daily routine makes me feel more at ease and less anxious throughout the day.  The above schedule works well for me but we are all different so I encourage you to create a schedule that works well for you.  Stay consistent, flow with nature’s rhythms and tune in to your body.


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